Saturday, September 16, 2006

Summer Party

Here are some photos from Heather's birthday party. No, Heather is not the cute little blond in the pictures. She's cute and blond, but she turned 25 or something like that. I can't really keep track of how old she is because she's younger than me but acts way more mature than me. Have any friends like that? The cute little blond in the picture is Peyton D. She's slightly younger than Silas and her parents are in our small group.

Probably one of the best things we've done as a married couple is join a small group. This particular group consists of the people we mainly "do life with." They all have kids around the same age as ours. We meet together on Wednesday nights and talk about married life, parenting, family, God, and trying to live like one who follows Jesus. We consider it a gift to have friends that spur us on to live in a better way and hold us accountable to how we want to be. Not to mention, they are super fun to be around.

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